entrecode Blog


What do people really want from their leaders?

Marketers tell us give customers what they want and they will buy it.

The same applies to leaders, give followers what they want and they will follow you.

So what do followers want?

Research suggests three basic things:

  1. Honesty. Be straight with us; tell us as it is even if we won’t like it. Forget the spin and the power point presentations look us in the eyes and tell us the truth.
  2. Inspiration. Share your vision, give us hope, and make it worthwhile coming to work, engage our spirit and then you will see what we can do.
  3. Competence. Do what you say you will and deliver the goods. Be a good role model that we want to follow.

  4. How many leaders do you know that can deliver what people really want? Are these skills taught at business school and if not why not? How can we get our leaders to understand this stuff?