entrecode Blog


How to get your preferred culture

Changing culture is one of the most difficult things managers have to do. If strategy is what we do culture is the way we do things or a better definition I prefer is what people do when nobody is looking.

You get a culture by design or by default; usually one you don't want.

You get a culture by design or by default; usually one you don't want.

  1. Determine the business not personal values that will drive your business towards your goals e.g. we take pride in performance; we seek to delight our customers etc.
  2. Make sure there is something for customers, employees and investors if you want them to engage with your business.
  3. Publish them and make them non-negotiable.
  4. Make sure the senior leadership team model and champion the values- watch their feet not their lips.
  5. Audit the application of the values across the business regularly and publish the results; make sure there are consequences for non-compliance.
  6. If you do the above diligently for a minimum of 2 years you can change and embed your preferred culture.

I will be presenting a workshop at BizWeek 2014 in Hull for CEOs and senior managers on how their businesses can find their hidden profits.

Watch this space for more details…….